Trace Network — More Development Highlights for the 3rd week of February, 2022

On the 16th of February, CXO Outlook featured Trace’s View on Metaverse Readiness. CXO Outlook is basically a renowned magazine referred to by Global CXOs. They recently featured Trace Network’s View on the need for Metaverse Readiness for CXOs. In the invitation article authored by RaoloKesh (Trace CoFounder), he explains how different businesses can build efficiency through simulations and team partnerships in the Metaverse. For more info:
On the 15th of February, the platform Announced that NASDAQ covered the network’s Avatar Vision. Nasdaq invited RaoloKesh (Trace CoFounder), to author an article on potential use cases of an Avatar in the metaverse. This insightful article explains the creation of digital identities and augmenting experiences with “BUDDY”. For more info:
CryptoWolfChat1 AMA
On the 15th of February at 8pm IST/ 2:30pm UTC, RaoloKesh (Trace CoFounder) was on an AMA with CryptoWolfChat1. During this AMA, he discussed the upcoming product “BUDDY”, the creation of real looking Avatars, and many more. For more info:
It should also be reminded that there’s BIG APRs on the MetaStaking Fest
The Trace Multichain MetaStakingFest is currently ongoing and giving fabulous returns on Meta Tokens TRACE tokens, MANA tokens, SAND tokens, BLOK tokens. Users can now Stake TRACE tokens NOW on both Ethereum & Polygon Network
Stake Here:
Trace Network is an amazing platform which helps to provide and enable enterprises around the digital Sphere with a highly transparent & trustworthy system while maintaining realtime traceability of merchandise and rewarding it’s users with it’s ERC 20 based Trace token . These functions are proof of their prominence and prestige, with time more users will be drawn to their amazing POS based platform.
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