Plutos Network — Weekly Development Updates for the Community

In today’s article, we are going to be highlighting the development features achieved from Plutos Network over the past week(2nd week of November, 2021). These developments will serve as both incentives and rewards for the users while providing sustainability for the ecosystem. The network’s aim is to clearly provide every user with an opportunity to earn passively and immensely through various features such as mainnet staking, and so on. Before discussing these developments, a little detailed info on the network’s ecosystem must be provided.
Plutos Network is basically a multichain derivative exchange and synthetic~issuance platform that provides mining rewards & Stake based rewards to individuals. Through the adoption of blockchains like Polkadot chain, BSC (Binance Smart Chain) & Solana Chain, enablement of cross-chain & onchain liquidity & exchanges, the network simply provides individuals synthetic~issuance with exchange services for a vast majority of synthetic~products that are lucrative, maintainable & disruptive to the conventional derivative marketplace. More info on their recent developments will be stated below
Synthetic Network version2.0 release
On the 10th of November, Plutos Network released their version2.0 for the Synthetic network. This new platform version is now launched with a lot of new components along with rewards have been added to satisfy the needs of the users, the components will be stated below:
1- The network has fully adapted to both IOS & Android devices. Various individuals can now utilize the network on different mobile phones by adding wallets such as MetaMask & Walletconnect.
2- User Interface Optimization
3- the network has also fully automated the borrowing of funds upon individuals depositing collaterals.
By Merging Borrow & deposit, individuals just need to carry out 1 deposit, while the network will finish the rest. This implementation means that individuals can now borrow p-USD by simply depositing the PLUT Coins which will act as collateral.
4- Mint based rewards will now be on when individuals make their deposits
5- Farming and Stake based rewards
The mobile version is now live.
Try it:
Plutos Network Vault
Users can now earn up to $1000 worth of PLUT Coins weekly in the network’s incentive plan. The first 200 users with the largest borrowing amounts are going to be rewarded on a weekly basis.
Enter Vault here:
Mainnet Staking
Users can now generate 80% — 100% APY by simply staking PLUT BEP20 coins, Users can select their preferred pool; Jelly Bean/ Marshmallow, with varying APY & locked periods. The individuals just have to enter their chosen amount & select Stake Tokens button. In order to connect for the staking decentralized app, they are required to utilize MetaMask.
Find about staking here:
The Plutos Network is really working hard to integrate and update the system of their network, while providing various opportunities to earn incentives & rewards through their Synthetic Network Upgrade release. Various individuals through the Network’s version2.0 platform, can now carry out efficient borrowing and lending of funds while the mint based rewards will be fully enabled when user’s deposit. As proof of their dedication to reward schemes, the network also enabled their v5staking where users can stake PLUT Coins in order to earn PLUT Coins as rewards. As the platform continues to grow in scheme diversity, they promise to always dedicate reward opportunities to the individuals.
To Learn more about Plutos Network visit the links below;
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