PayMe — A New Gen Play2earn Trivia Gaming Console which grants Lucrative opportunities for users

When users want to play a blockchain game, there are essentially two main mechanisms; the first is, users can ingame crypto currency through gameplay, and the second is, through earning or buying ingame items which are issued as NFTs and then selling them in a marketplace for a higher price. But there’s a special system which is called the Playtoearn model which allows various gamers or players to earn digital crypto tokens through their gameplays. This system or model has existed for quite a while now, and has also attracted more gamers and crypto based users over time. The PayMe gaming system is here to follow these qualities through trivia quiz games. More informative details on the payme quiz game features and future plans are going to be stated over the course of the article.
The PayMe QuizGame is basically a special, passionate and entertaining trivia quiz game which comes with really Beneficial rewards structured mainly, for the involvement of every interested user around the globe.
The functionality of the play-to-earn trivia quiz contests of payMe Trivia Quiz Console is intended to generate revenue from the payME token to the console’s wallet. These generated revenues would be used in parts for charity, buyback tokens, blockchain development,
and platform management fees.
The payME token flows within the chain network ecosystem between token holders comprising more of the investors the prized asset and users who are predominantly members of the Quizzers community. The exchange flow is expected to be controlled by the usability
of the digital game asset on the payMe Trivia Quiz platform which requires entry taxes with the payME Token and the Winners getting rewarded with it as well.
Denotation — PAYME
Total token supply — 100,000,000,000
Token allocation:
5% — Community & Marketing
20% — Token Sales
10% — Liquidity
20% — Playtoearn based rewards
40% — locked reserve
5% — team and advisor
The Seed IDO is said to go live on the 24th of February at 12:00 UTC and finishes on the 27th of February at 12:00 UTC, with an IDO raise of $200.000 (FCFS) and the price of $0.0001.
In the next quarter of this 2022 after being listed, the console would be rewarding 940 Registered and active Quizzers on intellectual merit with $32,800k worth of payME every week. All the players have to do is to Get their Quizzer Code and get ready to start participating in the daily Lone Quiz challenge to master the art.
In their roadmap, they also stated they plan to integrate other games by quarter 3 of 2023 and that’s when NFT may likely come in. Till then, users can now enjoy our unique gaming protocol.

The payMe Trivia Quiz Console is here to serve as a new age quizzing network Which is developed to grant the users of the Community the ability to gain passive Revenue via a chain network economy at the same time gaining in an fun style.
The project is very attractive because the Team is very professional with a good background in the Crypto Industry. This is the major factor that can make this project very successful.
To learn more visit
Author: GodRACE
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