Openocean- A DEX Filled With Opportunities

Openocean is a full CeFi and DeFi aggregator that aggregates mainstream DeXes on public chains and mainstream CeXes. By using Openocean, users can discover the best price on aggregated DEXes and compare the best price on CEXes.
As a user on OpenOcean, you are able to access DeFi and CeFi platforms that guarantee the best price, low fees and low spillage. You get instant spot trading with best price and lowest spillage possible, perform cross-chain swap transactions supported by binance bridge and you can withdraw to any chain supported by the OpeanOcean account.
You also get instant low cost arbitrage between DEXes and CEXes, you also get to leverage the OpenOcean API to perform your own customized investment strategy.
In more recent news, Openocean is hosting a 7 day trading adventure where traders get to discover precious stunning gems. Traders could take a deep dive into the Openocean and win rewards from projects like $AXS, $DEGO, $C98, $pCWS, $DPET, $POTS, and $OOE. By trading, one can lay hands on any of these gems. The price pool was $5,000 worth of 7 different DeFi tokens, and it’s from the 13th of Aug to the 20th of Aug.
You can still participate if you want to, all you have to do is trade at least Two of the following Tokens $AXS, $C98, $pCWS, $DEGO, $DPET, $POTS, and $OOE in any trading pair on Binance Smart chain via Openocean classic or Openocean pro. E.g $OOE/BUSD and this must be in two separate trades.
Winners would be selected by splitting rewards into two parts,
- If your total trading volume is more than $100 USDT, 50 lucky winners from this pool are given $30 worth of ocean box tokens.
- If your total trading volume is more than $200 USDT, 70 traders would be selected out of this pool and given $50 worth of ocean box tokens.
Players wouldn’t know the exact token they get until they open the mystery box.
In addition, prior to the start of the 7 day trading adventure, OpenOcean has been able to chart new territory by now aggregating HECO. This allows more opportunities for traders who are looking for one-stop trading experience with best prices. By aggregating HECP, OpenOcean is now able to aggregate 7 public top-tier chains, 34 secured DEXes and CEX Binance Spot trading.
In order to take advantage of this as a trader, all you have to do is connect to the HECO network with MetaMask or WalletConnect then start trading OpenOcean’s classic or pro version. In the classic version, you would see more mainstream tokens unique to HECO DEXes, while in the Pro version, users can swap with the best price with the help of additional features like chart and price comparison table between HECO DEXes and Binance.
OpenOcean was also able to build a liquidity mining program to facilitate liquidity on the platform, drive adoption and build a community of active traders and users by distributing the OOE governance token as a reward for early users of the Openocean protocol. After the first launch of the liquidity mining program, OpenOcean extended the program with 1.6million OOE in governance rewards.
It is apparent with all the projects and milestones, Openocean as a platform is here to stay and grow as the next best thing to both DeFi and CeFi traders.
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