Ethereum push notification service EPNS August 2021 RECAP

The month of August has come to an end as swiftly as it came to a start. But notwithstanding, EPNS had a number of events of which we’d be reviewing now as updates for the month.
EPNS invited B.Protocol for an AMA in the official @epnsproject community. Eitan Katchka- Head of Ecosystem Development, B.Protocol joined with EPNS community for an exciting AMA. At this AMA, there was a prize pool of $200 $PUSH for the best questions asked. The AMA was slated to be held on the 4th of the month.
Next we have the weeks’ Rockstar reveal of which the community acknowledged the work put forward in the hopes of pushing the community forward. From NFT arts to publicities. One especial person who did a super pleasing with the good work, and became the winner was @kumosoukai ( twitter username )
Wednesday, 11 August EPNS had an AMA session with RulerProtocol where the community had the chance to ask the Co-Founders Harsh Rajat & Richa Joshi ANYTHING! EPNS also put up a $200 in $PUSH prize pool for the best questions asked.
The team habitually Congratulated the following week’s ROCKSTAR @satoshistreets ( twitter username ), also known as Kanav Aggarwal @Kanavs on Telegram. He had joined the community since the beginning of 2021, and had been a consistent community member, publishing multiple pieces of content over on their Medium blog. He was awarded a NFT.
Next up is EPNS Bringing Push Notifs to Tracer DAO Governance. TracerDAO allows for digital & real-world asset risk management. Soon, their users will be able to go long or short on any underlying asset via perpetual swap contracts. EPNS’s collaboration will allow TracerDAO users & members to receive notification on governance proposals & turnouts, as well as any other relevant data notifications, directly to user wallets.
August also came with announcements of which one was made about the NEW MEME CONTEST with @RulerProtocol. All that had to be done to participate was to create an EPNS x RulerProtocol related MEME. Top three participants were rewarded with cash prizes of $50, $30 and $20 from First to third respectively.
Not just the meme contest was all to be had with RulerProtocol, an AMA was also slated for the 18th of August, together with DeFi_Ted, Communications and Kryptocucumber, Core Dev at Ruler Protocol over on epns project. There was a reward of $200 in $RULER also for the community.
The team had a new podcast with Harsh Rajat and Girl Gone Crypto on Blockzero Labs also. Topics of interest including, what EPNS is and how the co- founder got into crypto. The community also celebrated independence week with crypto where the team gave out ₹700,000 worth of $PUSH for the top 150 traders. All this and more done in the month of August.
The highlight for us is EPNS working with @idlefinance to bring their users Governance notifications. Idle is a rebalancing protocol that enables its users to manage their digital assets allocation across DeFi protocols! Idle Finance users will no longer have to rely on 3rd party platforms such as Telegram & Twitter to be kept up to date with governance matters! PUSH — USDT Trading was live on Zebpay with free trading for 24 Hours. Zebpay is India’s leading crypto exchange with over 3Million traders worldwide. Also, $PUSH got listed on Huobi Global and trading began on the 30th of August.
Want to get first hand info from EPNS? Here is the link to their various channels.