EasyFi network — Updates For the 1st Week Of December

The EasyFi network team is really active when it comes to delivering updates to their Community, they seek to push boundaries in order to make sure certain partnerships or upgrades are being automated. This has been a recurring phenomenon on the platform, which means users can continue to enjoy regular updates for the betterment of their interface experiences. Today in the article, we’ll be stating all of the updates that EasFi has achieved over the course of the week. First, a little iteration on what the platform entails will be outlined below:
EasyFi platform is basically a universal layer2 based lending network that was developed and created for the Decentralized Finance community with the focus on maintaining scalability, adoption & composability. It’s been structured as an open & inclusive commercial network design to operate on public networks in order to simplify the borrowing & lending of cyber assets & other similar financial assets. EasyFi was also developed upon the principle of networks that are permissionless and smart contract automation. The platform has been on a roll when it comes to enabling all sorts of updates, especially over the course of month. More information about this will be stated below:
On the 30th of November at 2pm UTC, Shaanush (VP of growth and Marketing at EasyFi) had a candid discussion with different platforms at different times on their telegram channel. These platforms include:
HEAVENSOFCRYPTO (On November 30 at 2pm UTC),
Crypto Sunshine (on December 1 at 2pm UTC), https://t.me/Crypto_Sunshine
CryptoZyte Community (on December 6 at 12pm UTC). At: https://t.me/CryptoZyteCommunity
In each of these Amas, They discussed EasyFi’s protocol, EasyFi’s visions and aims, including their lending Markets. Users also stood a chance to share $100 in EZ tokens.
Ama Updates
Over the course of the week, the platform has been consistently congratulating the winners of their AMAs with different platforms, which include; CryptoMiners, HEAVENOFCRYPTO and Crypto Sunshine.
Developer’s Fund And Grants Program
On the 1st of December, EasyFi network was thrilled to announce the release of EasyFi Developer’s Fund and Grants Program in order to fund promising individuals and projects to develop and contribute to the growth of EasyFi.
For more info: https://bit.ly/EasyFiDevFunds
The platform’s philosophy on Grants features unlocking exponential composability in the Decentralized finance space, Encouraging and supporting community participation, Encouraging ownership and action, while allocating attention and resources to a focused group of believers.
The platform is looking for individuals/teams who will add value to the existing products and services of EasyFi, add utilities to the whole ecosystem, while using the existing EasyFi infrastructure for developing.
Users can apply here: https://forms.gle/Q4Ueoait3ZvMujrD8
While carrying out these aforementioned Developments, the team were also at the DCentral DeFi Conference in Miami. Ankitt Gaur was also invited to speak on a panel. 128% APY on $EZ — $USDC LP mining on EasyFi on Ethereum, 158% APY on $EZ — $WETH LP mining on EasyFi on Ethereum as well.
The platform as previously stated, has continued to deliver tons of updates to their community while enabling ways to incentivize them a bit more, as that’s clear due to the AMAs initiated. As they enter a brand new week, more updates will be announced to their audiences in order to attract their individual interests.
To learn more about EasyFi Network visit the links below;